Saturday 31 January 2009

Legally insane

'Criminally Insane' s a sick Slayer tune from their renowned and landmark 27 minute long release Reign in Blood from 1986. Deicide tried to make a faster album, but they failed. As it goes, many a thrash band has tried to emulate, imitate or compete with Slayer, but none have ever gone the distance. All have fallen short. Formed in 1981 by Hanneman and King, Slayer are THE metal band.

I used to listen to Slayer a lot, and am thinking that I should re-buy Seasons in the Abyss. Seasons is my favourite Slayer record, and I can picture myself right now, in the car, with a little bit of Slayer on the stezza. Come to think of it, I should get that debut Machine Head album again too. Pretty tough tunes.

But not as tough as Slayer.

Anyway, I am going back to university to study law. I finished my last stint there in 2000, which was ordinary. And the year's worth of study I completed in 2006 was a near disaster. Because I treated it with the same disdain as my degree. Sure I got the award, but what did I learn?

Undeterred, QUT accepted my timid application to study with them, and now I owe them some sum of money for the privilege. It actually is a privilege, and I'll be the best student you've ever come across. That's a personal undertaking to myself.

Slayer are still awesome. Here's a link to their latest studio sessions:

And here's that title track:

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